Saturday, August 16, 2008

Deal with Medical School Stress Without Going Crazy

Medical school is probably the hardest, most time consuming schooling around. You spend eight or more years of your life simply trying to survive medical school and your internship. Though medical school is extremely difficult, you can handle the stress if you do it the right way.

Work Ahead
First of all, work ahead. If you have an assignment due soon, start on it really early. In medical school, it's easy to get too busy and not get everything finished. Instead of procrastinating, work ahead on your assignments and readings so that if you have an emergency, you won't get behind.

Ask For Help
In medical school, the idea of asking for help isn't common, but it is important. Most professors are more than willing to help students who are having problems in their class. Just be sure to ask sooner rather than later or you may be at a point where you can't improve your grades quickly enough to stay in medical school.

Get Some Sleep
Medical school is an extremely exhausting time in your life, particularly once you start your internship. The best thing you can do for yourself is get some sleep as often as possible. Even if you do have to turn down working in a cool surgery, always go home and rest once you get tired.

Study with Friends
Studying becomes your life in medical school, but it doesn't have to be working. Create study groups with your friends as this will combine studying with some fun, so you don't become burned out as quickly. Maybe you should go out to dinner or meet in the library with snacks and books so that you can study while having fun and food.

Take a Break
Medical students always seem to feel that they need to study constantly, but if you want to stay sane, you need to take a break sometimes. Whether you go running, play Frisbee, or just take a long bubble bath, you will definitely feel rejuvenated and more motivated once you've taken a short break.

What to Remember

When you're stressed out in medical school, particularly during your internship, remember these things:

1. Work ahead.

2. You can ask for help.

3. Get some sleep.

4. Study with friends.

5. Take a break.

Take a look at more industry related articles by Amber Smith at . Amber Smith is a frequent contributor with articles pertaining to using Distance Learning and Career Advice.

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